Thursday, May 7, 2009

Flat Stanley's 1st Soccer Experience

Dear Owen,

Today, myself and Flat Stanley are in the country next to Austria called "Germany". Sports are a major part in German life. Twenty-seven million Germans are members of a sports club and an additional twelve million pursue such an activity individually. The most popular sport is "Soccer" and Germany has the largest soccer organization of its kind worldwide, with over 6.3 million members! 

One of their best soccer teams is called "FC Bayern Munich" and they come from the city of Munich. This soccer team is the most successful club in German soccer, having won 21 German titles and 14 cups.

Through my company's sponsorship of this soccer team, I was offered the chance to attend one of their games this last week. I brought along a few friends of mine from Vienna (the city that I live in now) and... of course... Flat Stanley. Below are some images from the game and I've also included a video that you can play to hear the crowd roar! It was a lot of fun! Perhaps we can do that together one day in the future! :)

Flat Stanley's 1st Poker Experience

Dear Owen,

I'm not sure if you know this, but I work within the Online Gaming Industry. What this means is that I work for a company that specializes in offering games to play over the internet. Unfortunately for you, the games are only for teenagers over 18 years old. That's because we play with money. But as long as you don't use money, anyone can play! Even you or Flat Stanley. 

My favorite game is called "Poker". Have you heard of this? To get started, all you need is one deck of playing cards (52 cards). Then, you need a few friends or family members. Then all you need is the basic rules here. Have you ever played "Crazy 8's" or "Go Fish" or even "Uno"? Well, it's sort of like that, but a little different of course - - because it's called "Poker". My favorite variety of Poker is called "Texas Hold'em". It's very popular! I know you LOVE your PlayStation and your StarWars games, but what's also fun is simple card games. I highly recommend the game of Poker, and perhaps you can learn how to play with your family or friends. But remember, just for fun! :)


I wanted to introduce Flat Stanley to the game of Poker. So, I took him to one of our company's parties. Here, we had special tables organized so that anyone could come and learn the game of Poker. Very cool. Believe it or not, but Flat Stanley was an absolute hit at the Poker Party. As you can see below, he even had the chance to sit at the Poker table with me...